Free Printable Greeting Cards

Free or $4 Version?

Each greeting card is available in two versions: a free version and a $4 Premium version.

Below are the two versions of a popular birthday card:

The free version (below) is a PDF file (which you can view and print with a PDF reader.) You can't change it, and there's a small watermark with our URL in the upper-left corner.

sample of free version

The $4 Premium version (shown below) doesn't have the watermark. In addition, you get two versions of the file: PDF and Microsoft Word (.DOC) formats. The text area of Word version can be edited, so you can type names in the From: and To: fields, or type your own special message in that section.

You can pay using your PayPal account or credit card. You'll be able to download the customizable Greeting Card within moments.

sample of free version

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